Thursday, October 18, 2007

Spice Girls Live!

Many of you reading this probably remember them: The group of five girls, all different and special in their own distinct way, their songs playing for a long span of time on the radios and tv, to the point where almost all who listen can clearly tell who is singing which part because we can identify their voices.Ah, the Spice Girls. I was about 10 or 11 (in Primary 5 and 6) when I first recall listening to their songs. And eventhough they broke up when I was still in primary school, their songs still play occasionally, e.g. "Mama" during Mother's Day, constantly reminding all of us how much they have changed our lives with their songs. Yes, I even have all their songs in my collection. THat is how much I love them singing. I was simply estatic when I found out they were going to have another concert (NO, a WORLD TOUR!) Gosh, they look so matured now. Better than the past. I mean, look at their clothes!

I don't know what they were thinking back then, but these clothes are simply too hideous to want to be remembered in Spice history! Ugh!

This picture is fantastic. They all look so comfortable with their own styles. I love their new look, but I do hope their voices are still as good as last time. Crossing fingers to go to their concert!! People wish me luck!!

Photos courtesy of,, and

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