Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I finished my marathon on Heroes!!!

Believe me, it was worth it. This series is outstanding in every aspect possible: The possibilities, suspense, horror and comedy.

Basically the season finale left us at the square where Peter Petrelli was supposed to blow up and destroy half of New York. All the other heroes just happened to be around that area, all of them gathering for the first time. Nathan Petrelli won the election but by illegal means (Micah was used to 'talk' to the voting comoputers to give Nathan a landslide victory. ) But in the end, he came to save New York by bringing Peter up to the skies to explode there (Nathan had the ability to fly.)

The finale was disappointing in the sense that it was different from the vision Peter had in the middle of the season. He was in the middle of the road, cars abandoned, with people running away from him. In the finale, they were in that city square in front of 'the company', with the dual spiral reddish staircase fountain. Simone was in his vision, but by the finale, she was already dead. All these discrepancies!

There are many possibilities: Nathan could be dead, or Nathan could have flown Peter halfway up, released him and escaped the worst of the explosion (but he'd still suffer damages from carrying Peter - remember, Peter was radioactive) Or, Sylar killed Candice, ate her brains and used her powers to make himself look like Nathan - and becoming the new Presidnet of the United States. (ruling the world, like in Hiro's trip to the future)

And I believe that there is more about the elderly group of people than meets the eye. My theory? Mama Petrelli, Papa Petrelli (deceased), Linderman (power to heal, deceased), Hiro's father and Charles (Simone's father, whom Peter was taking care of in the first few episodes) were part of the first Heroes. They fought hard to protect the world with their powers, but one of them backstabbed the group and used his/her powers to gain wealth and power. Linderman was that person, in my opinion. I also think that CHarles had the power to bring people into their dreams, as that would explain how Peter could feel himself flyin his dreams, and in the finale, how he could meet CHarles in a drean even though Charles was already dead. (And Peter, beign the 'absorbent sponge' that he was, abrsorbed Charles' power)

More proof? Well, in one scene when Claire went to look for Peter, she instead met her grandmother, who claimed that 'we gave you up to another family to take care of you.' But in another scene, it showed a flashback where Hiro's father gave Claire to Ted Bennet (with little Hiro playing trucks in a corner, aww!) So that means there was a connection between Hiro's father and Mama Petrelli. And Mama Petrelli was also in contact with Charles. And Linderman. All proof of my theory about the older generation of heroes.

Season 2 is titled "Generations". Maybe we'll get to see more history about the parents involved. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out what powers Mama Petrelli has? Or Hiro's father for that matter? And whatever happened to Hiro??!! The opening teaser for Season 2 showed Hiro being thrown back into the past, when an eclipse occured during a battle between Kensei (Hiro's ancestor) and his enemies. Aarggh!?!?!!

I also think that Claire, Micah and Molly ( the tracking system, lol) will play an integral part in the next season. THey are the third generation spawn of heroes, and Mohinder Suresh can use them to study how they got their powers from parents who are both heroes (Claire's mom Meridith Gordon can control fire and father's Nathan Petrelli, flying-man!) (Micha's parents are Niki Sanders, who actually has super strength but got confused eversince she has multiple personality disorder, and father is DL who can walk through walls which is why "No jail can hold him" XD) (Molly's parents are of unknown parentage because Sylar killed them quite early into the season, but as their brains were left untouched, I'm guessing maybe they don't have any powers)

Will Matt Parkman (telekinesis guy) be alive after Sylar reversed his shots to kill him off instead?? WIll DL be alive after Linderman shot him? Can Linderman heal himself with his own powers after what DL did to him? Is Sylar still ALIVE???

Season 2 better come out fast! Right now, I'll fix my tv cravings with Season 10 of South Park and Smallville's Season 5. Cheers!

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