Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I'm not one to complain, but this registeration crap is something worth bitching about. It was no less than total chaos! Let me exaplin it from a student's point of view:

IT all started with the night before registeration. Last year, it was chaos because hundreds of students had to line up to be registered. It was nasty, with students even lining and standing for a good 3 hours just to register. SO this year, the admin people got smart: They only released the new semester timetable the night before at 10pm, and they hid it cleverly deep inside the BLackboard system! Luckily I have good friends who told me it was out. I spent a good 30 minutes trying to work out my timetable, avoiding clashes and selecting the rightest tutorial time for me.

That was not as bad as the real day itself.

Firstly, it didn't matter how early you went. Neither does it matter where you stand in queue. See, they made us all line up on two separate counters. Only after standing in queue for about 15 minutes then do they announce that that particular line is for engineering students, and can everybody else line up on the other side? (Most of us lining up there are businesss students!! )

We felt it was unfair cuz tere was a long queue on the 'correct' business queue, so we just went to the business registeration counter. There we saw this guy giving the number stickers to people cutting queue!! Naturally, we all go cut queue and get our numbers loh!!

And that still doens't matter!! Cuz all that really mattered was the queue into the auditorium. Whoever lined up first got to go in first, register first and go home first!!

Damn pissed I tell you! Dahlah lining up at the registeration counter outside the auditorium was useless, getting number also no use! So i went and queued quickly, and eventhough my number was 30, i got to go in and register as the 10th or 11th person from the business side. From 8.30 am, i managed to get everything done by 9.40am.

SO I guess this defines the 'dog-eat-dog-world' persona everyone talked about. Oh well. Some things aren't worth bragging about. As long as we get it done, I guess we should overlook how it was done. Or is that being insensitive and jerk-like? You tell me.

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